g Sound: How to pronounce the g sound (/g/ Phoneme)

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In this lesson we are going to look at the g sound. As in the words:

  • go /gəʊ/
  • get /get/
  • give /gIv/

The g sound is from the ‘Consonants Pairs’ group and it is called the ‘Voiced velar stop’. This means that you use the back of the tongue to block airflow from the throat.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H_Xis2wigA

How the g sound is Spelled

Like with all the sounds in English it cn be spelled in many different ways because the language is not phonetic.

The /g/ phoneme is normally spelled with the letter ‘g’ as in the words:

  • good /gʊd/
  • girl /gɜːl/

But surprisingly it can also be spelt with the letter ‘x’ as in the words:

As in the words:

  • exactly /ɪgˈzæktli/
  • example /ɪgˈzɑːmpəl/

Examples of the g sound

Here are some words that begin with the g sound:

  • group /gruːp/
  • government /’gʌvəmənt/
  • game /geɪm/
  • grow /grəʊ/

Here are some words with the /g/ phoneme in the middle:

  • ago /əˈgəʊ/
  • agree /əˈgriː/
  • figure /ˈfɪgə/
  • organization /ɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʆən/

Here are some words with the /g/ phoneme at the end /g/ sound:

  • leg /leg/
  • drug /drʌg/
  • egg /eg/
  • big /bɪg/

So, that’s it for the g sound but we have made additional videos on each of the groups of sounds; VowelsDiphthongsSingle Consonants, or Consonant Pairs as well as a video explaining the the phonetic chart.su

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