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n Sound: How to pronounce the n Sound (/n/ Phoneme)

n sound

This video is about the n Sound, as in:

It is a sound from the Single Consonants group.

How to pronounce the n sound

The /n/ sound is called the “alveolar nasal,” which means that you put your tongue against the ridge just behind your top teeth and the air comes out your nose.

It is made through the nose rather than the mouth and it is Voiced, which means you use your vocal chords.

It is defined by the position of your tongue, and is made with the flow of air through the mouth completely blocked and diverted to the nose.

To produce the sound, put your tongue against the ridge just behind your top teeth so that your mouth is completely blocked and voice out through your nose.

How the n sound is spelled

The n sound is spelled with the letter ‘n,’ or sometimes with a double ‘n’ as in:

Examples of the n sound

Here are some words that start with the /n/ phoneme.

Here are some words with the /n/ phoneme in the middle.

And here are some words that end with the /n/ phoneme.

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